Ukrainian Overview: Huge Gas Resource On Hold until Situation Stabilizes
Recent Super Major / Other Activity

Ukrainian: Donetsk Coal Mining Region
- One of the largest coal basins in world (60,000 km²)
- Iskander holds one of the largest CBM positions - 1.350 km2
- Carboniferous coal deposits with over 330 identified coal seams to depth of 1,800 m
- CBM resources in coal seams and sandstones – 420 Tcf *
- Deposits contain potential free gas resource of 6 Tcf **
- Mature coals are in the gas generating window
- Coal mines continuously venting (80 Bcf+/year)

* According to Donetsk National Technic University, Montanuniversitat Leoben, Henri Poincare University data
**According to Ukrainian geological survey data
Ukraine: South Donbas Licence
Area: 431 km2
- Exploration licence currently being converted to a Production license in Iskander's name
- Our first CBM "proof of concept" well produced peak gas rates of >500 m³/d during 6 month preliminary dewatering phase
- Donetskgeologia's estimates: total GIP recource on block - 1.5 TCF (42 BCM) gas contents range from 10 - 22 м3/tonne (450-500 scf/ton), 500-1800 m coal depths
- Four pilot wells drilled several years ago - plan to re-enter and recomple in multiple zones (one well tested 70 mcf/day from one zone)

Ukraine: Krasnoarmiysk (Krasno) Licence
- Area: 235 km2
- Exploration license 100% owned by Iskander
- Exploration licence expired in January 2015 but being extended
- First well KRA 1 drilled to total depth of 1,680 m
- Multiple offset locations identified
- Basin-centered gas potential identified from KRA 1 well logs
- 34 days to drill including evaluation (coring and logging)
- $2.5 million drill, $1.7 million completion (inclusive of 20% Value Added Tax)

Ukraine: Krutoyarivska (Kruto) Licence
Area: 685 km2
- Exploration licence valid to 13 July 2016
- Joint Activity Agreement (JAA) with Ecometan, a controlled subsidiary of Industrial Union Donbas (IUD)
- Iskander is operator with 90 % working interest (subject to 10% gross over-riding royalty)

Super Major Activity Adjacent to Iskander’s Properties
Shell's License
- In May 2012, Ukraine awarded Shell the right to develop the Yuzivska gas field (7,886 km2 / ~2 million acres)
- The Yuzivska area surrounds Iskander's Krasno block and is proximate to Iskander's Kruto and South Donbas blocks. Shell is targeting Middle Carboniferous tight sands, which have identical geology to Iskander’s blocks.

- Significant CBM potential with hundreds of coal wells to provide geological control for evaluation